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A step-by-step guide to the upload process

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This article outlines each step of the upload process for PoweredTemplate. Follow it as you upload your items to ensure that your submissions meet our formatting and technical standards.

To learn how to become an author of the PoweredTemplate, refer to this article.

Name & Description

Your item name and description must accurately describe your item and its components. They should both provide relevant information that makes it easy for customers to find items meeting their needs.


The name field should always be relevant, concise, and professional looking. The following are examples of good and bad naming practices:

  • Good naming practices:
    • “This is the File Name” – Capitalize the first letter in each word. Small words like “of” and “an” may be lowercase.
    • “Template with XML file” – Capitalize acronyms and abbreviations like XML and PSD.
    • “PowerPoint Template” – Do follow the industry standard even if it doesn’t follow the normal capitalization rules. For example, use PowerPoint and OpenOffice instead of Powerpoint and Openoffice.
  • Bad naming practices:
    • “THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE” – Do not use all CAPS.
    • “this is also not acceptable” – Do not use all lowercase.
    • “Beautiful File” or “The Best Template” – Do not use subjective words like brilliant, amazing, or best. These words describe your opinion rather than what the file actually is.
    • “User9909 – File Name” – Do not append your username or any other less-relevant information to the file name.
    • “Apple-like Design” – Do not describe what your item is similar to in its title, describe what it actually is.


Your description must accurately describe all elements of your main file.

  • Ensure you mention if anything shown in the preview is not included in the main .zip and note if any main element is rasterized, outlined or otherwise not editable.
  • If you’re using non-standard fonts in your item, these must be documented in your description. Check out this article for some tips.
  • You should not include links to external, competing services including items for sale on your own website. For more information, refer to this article


Tags should be lowercase, separated by commas, spelled correctly (using American Standard English) and should relate to your item, its specifications, and its possible uses. Do not use the same tags for every item. Each tag must be relevant to the item it is applied to. 

To create tags faster and easier you may use the Tags Suggestion Tool.

You may enter up to 50 tags. Tags may be more than one word e.g. “community service”, “social media”. Not necessary to use one word more than once because any word may be combined with other words from your tag list.

For more tips on effective tags, refer to this article

Category & Attributes

Choose a suitable category for your file. You can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key on Windows or the COMMAND key on OS X.

Presentation Templates

Select which file types are included in your download. If the PowerPoint template is complete compatible with Google Slides select the “Enable feature – Save as Google Slides”, this allows customer to save the template directly to his/her Google Drive folder.

Select aspect ratio and image dimensions of the included product. Again, you can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key on Windows or the COMMAND key on OS X.

Type number of slides your product includes.

Select the additional attributes, if any:

  • Data-Driven: Select Yes in case the template contains data driven charts/diagrams
  • Light & Dark: Select yes in case the product includes both versions of design – dark and light
  • Fonts included: Select Yes in case the package includes fonts
  • Photos included: Select Yes in case the product or the package includes images/photos

When uploading an item to the Print Templates category, it is important to provide the correct information to your customers.

Our system automatically determines the type of included into archive files. You don’t need to specify the files formats and types. 

All you need is to correctly select the attributes. The attributes must be an accurate reflection of the final item. Following are the inputs to be provided: 

  • Print dimensions.  Press Ctrl (Command on Mac) to choose more than one dimension your document has. You may add up to two new dimensions by typing name and sizes of the new dimension. 
  • Number of Pages – specify the amount of pages your item has.
  • Fold type – choose from drop down menu your product fold type, if any.
  • Double sided – select Yes if your item has two sides
  • Fonts included – select Yes in case the package includes fonts
  • Photos included – select Yes in case the product or the package includes images/photos

Ensure you match any attributes in these forms to the attributes of your file.

Premium or Free

Set the item type: Premium or Free.

All the assets marked as Premium will be available only for subscribers meaning that they will be marked as premium resources and won’t be available for free.

But you may mark an asset as free resource. In this case the asset will be available for free download with attribution to the author. Also, no revenue will be calculated if the asset was downloaded by a user.

Upload File

Main File

Save your main files into a .ZIP folder, including all instructions. Ensure the files are organised in a clear and orderly fashion.

Please read PoweredTemplate-specific instructions for preparing your main file.

Preview Image Set

Create preview images. They must be JPGs, JPEGs or PNGs no less than 800px on any of its sides, and named in the order that you want them to appear using one of the following formats:

  • 001_preview.jpg, 002_preview2.jpg, 003_closeup.jpg, 004_any_name.jpg;
  • slide1.jpg, slide2.jpg, slide3.jpg, …, slide999.jpg

The first image with 001_ or slide1 will be used as product main preview image. Make sure your preview image is an accurate representation of your file. Your preview image must not contain trademarks or images of celebrities.

You are also not permitted to artificially add any official PoweredTemplate graphical assets to your previews, e.g. community badges or trending assets. This is considered “gaming the system” and works against our terms and conditions.

Create “Preview” folder in your main product ZIP-archive and place the preview images there.


All the thumbnail images will be created automatically from the big image previews you provide.

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