Please refer to the following guidelines before submitting your items to the Keynote Template, PowerPoint Template, or submitting items to the Google Slides category under Presentation Templates on PoweredTemplate.
Tecnical Requirements
Please note combinations of file types are not allowed. For example, a PowerPoint item bundled with a Keynote item.
PowerPoint Template
Accepted file formats are:
- PPT (Powerpoint 97-2003)
- PPTX (2007 – 2016)
- Additional optional file formats include:
- PPTM – A Macro enabled file can be used to add navigation, run movie clips or sounds or hyperlinks to documents.
- POTX – A true Powerpoint Template file can be used to create new presentations with a consistent design and layout – Powerpoint 2007 onwards.
- POT – A true Powerpoint Template file can be used to create new presentations with a consistent design and layout – up to Powerpoint 03.
- THMX – Produces a theme that is cross-compatible with Word and Excel (saves font, color scheme and backgrounds).
- PPS – Opens straight to slideshow viewing mode – Powerpoint 2003.
- PPSX – Opens straight to slideshow viewing mode – Powerpoint 2007 onwards.
- PPSM – Defaults to slideshow view, but preserves macros. VBA macros don’t work in Powerpoint 08.
- PPAM – An add-in that stores custom commands & VBA macros, but is not a full theme or presentation.
- PPA – An add-in that stores custom commands & VBA macros, but is not a full theme or presentation (PowerPoint 97 to Office PowerPoint 2003).
Keynote Template
Accepted file formats are:
- KEY – A standard Apple Keynote presentation.
- Additional optional file format:
- KTH – Similar to the POT / POTX file – a theme file.
Google Slide Themes
Following are the item technical requirements:
- You must submit only in .PPTX file format.
- Google Slides templates must be built within Google Slides, using only Google Slides compatible features, fonts, animations, etc.
- Google Slides templates must be created with presentation design best-practice in mind, including use of master slides/layouts, and fully scalable vector based graphics.
Google Slides presentation files should be no larger than 100 MB according to Google’s size limits.
Shapes & Graphics
All the shapes included into presentation must be complete editable in PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides.
File Preparation
Files need to work with the English language PowerPoint or Keynote Software editions. All layers, groups and notes must be in English.
Google Slides items submitted to PoweredTemplate must include the .PPTX file exported directly from Google Slides. This is the presentation file format that Google Slides exports to.
Do not submit .PPT or any other PowerPoint files, or .GSLIDES files as that is simply a reference to the presentation on your personal Google Drive folder.
Your item must follow the general quality guidelines regarding design:
- Textures and images included in the file should be high resolution with no banding, aliasing, artifacting or compression issues
- Technical execution to a high standard – No overlapping text/shapes/poorly aligned elements, aliasing, misalignment
- Animations & transitions are not a requirement.
Files should be editable:
- The file should contain clearly organized shapes and graphics to allow the customer to edit the file easily. This can include: color changes, selection/deletion/modification of elements, resizing or moving of elements, and other modifications.
- Files should use professional techniques such as masking, layer adjustments, and layer styles (for re-sizeable elements) when necessary. In short: use non-destructive techniques.
Slides should be readable
- Edit text on each slide to a minimum to achieve a balanced appearance and the highest level of readability.
Format Consistency
- Use a light color background and one font (change font size and use bold/italics for effect.)
- Limit use of red vs. green on same slide for those that may be colorblind.
Design should be cohesive:
- Template containing multiple elements should have a cohesive overall design.
- The cohesive design is achieved by sharing one or more of several elements: color scheme, shape and alignment and other stylistic choices.
Files should demonstrate a professional understanding of design:
- The file should demonstrate excellent understanding and execution of basic design principles, including:: contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity.
- The function and user-friendliness of the item should be considered. For instance, design templates should be legible, text cannot be too small.
Files with text should be scannable:
- The typographic layout should follow design standards for readability and use.
- Fonts should have refined tracking, leading and font choice.
- Text should have thoughtfully designed alignment, contrast, proximity and repetition in the layout.
- Alignment of text in files. Centered text is difficult to read for long paragraphs and files with multiple alignments on a single page are hard to scan. Files aligned on a grid are easy to interact with.
Files should have a sophisticated design sense:
- Design can be minimal or complex.
- All files should be sophisticated and demonstrate trend awareness.
Files containing common design trends should be exceptional:
- Common styles such as bokeh, glossy buttons and grunge effects result in a high submission of similar items. Files submitted in these categories should be unique or exceptional.
Help File
Your help file must include:
- General instructions on how to add a custom content to the presentation template
- The fonts used in the file.
- Optional – An explanation of the organisation or structure of the presentation.
- Optional – Common issues that might arise and how to resolve them.
Preview Image Set
Image Preview
Create preview images. They must be JPGs, JPEGs or PNGs no less than 800px on any of its sides, and named in the order that you want them to appear using one of the following formats:
- 001_preview.jpg, 002_preview2.jpg, 003_closeup.jpg, 004_any_name.jpg;
- slide1.jpg, slide2.jpg, slide3.jpg, …, slide999.jpg
The first image with 001_ or slide1 will be used as product main preview image. Make sure your preview image is an accurate representation of your file. Your preview image must not contain trademarks or images of celebrities.
You are also not permitted to artificially add any official PoweredTemplate graphical assets to your previews, e.g. community badges or trending assets. This is considered “gaming the system” and works against our terms and conditions.
Create “Preview” folder in your main product archive and place the preview images there.
All the thumbnail images will be created automatically from the big image previews you provide.
Please read PoweredTemplate General File Preparation Guidelines for more preparation instructions the main archive file.